Simple steps to solid IT security for your business

If it’s not already in place, now is the time to put data safety at the top of your priority list – leave it too late and the consequences could be devastating

The importance of data is clearly at an all-time high, but it’s not just businesses interested in collecting it. The number of high-profile breaches occupying the headlines these days shows that cyber-criminals are ready to do all they can to get hold of sensitive and valuable information. This has understandably left many firms scared, with security working its way to the top of the average CIO’s priority list.

So, as a business operating in a world full of cyber-threats, what steps should you take to tighten the defences and avoid falling victim like so many other businesses?

Invest in an IT security program

Consumer-targeted anti-virus software is certainly useful, but it has its limitations. Business threats are not only greater in quantity than those faced by consumers, they’re also markedly different – so the programs in place should account for this. Alongside the enterprise-level software, the chosen solution should also cover general security policies, file permissions, password policies and firewalls. The task doesn’t stop at procurement, however – ongoing management is just as important.

…and data loss insurance

Things can go wrong, however many precautions you take. It’s for this reason that data loss insurance should be considered. The information you keep – whether it’s related to clients, internal operations or performance – should now be seen as the lifeblood of your organisation. Without it, you may struggle to stay afloat. Even when data can be recovered after an unavoidable incident, the process takes time; your insurance policy should help keep disruption to a minimum.

Stay one step ahead

It could be argued that the key to cyber-safety is knowing exactly what you’re trying to protect yourself from. As mentioned previously, the media is hardly shy when it comes to exposing large-scale breaches, so keep an eye on what’s going on. You may have to delve a little deeper to really keep up, though. Use the help of the professionals around you and dedicate time to some in-depth research on the prominent threats to your business to arm yourself most effectively.


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